Dr. Nicolette Lawson 


Oh, what a lot of letters I have after my name! 

What do they all mean?  Well apart from the definitions given below, they mean that I am continually learning and expanding my knowledge, seeking to get better and better so that I can be a more effective therapist and help more people!   

So what DO all those letters mean?

  • D.Hyp  - That's the Diploma of Hypnotherapy from the Lifeforce School of Hypnotherapy, Regents College, London.  A well renowned 14-month course covering theoretical and practical aspects of Hypnotherapy.
  • D.CBH - This is a new one (2009/10): Diploma in Cognitive Behavioural Hypnotherapy - this is a combination of CBT (cognitive behavioural therapy) and Hypnosis - one of the most effective treatments available.  A title issued by the UK College of Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy, following an intensive course and an in depth exam paper (12,000 words).
  • C.Hyp - Certified Hypnotherapist issued by the UK Guild of Hypnotist Examiners for passing their exam.
  • CMH - Certified Master Hypnotist.  A title also issued by the UK Guild of Hypnotist Examiners, following both a written and practical examination.
  • MHA -  Member of the Hypnotherapy Association (formerly the BHA).
  • UKHR - Registered Member of the UK Hypnotherapy Register
  • UKGHE - Registered Member of the UK Guild of Hypnotist Examiners
  • MTNLP - Master Therapist of Neuro Linguistic Programming awarded by Eos Professional Training, Bournemouth.
  • AAMT - Practitioner of Emotional Freedom Techniques, accredited by the Association for the Advancement of Meridian Therapies (AAMT).
  • (NHS Directory) I am a member of the NHS Directory of Complementary and Alternative Practitioners (Membership number: 3038)

Others : Not related to Hypnotherapy!

  • BSc (Hons) - Honours Degree in Mechanical Engineering
  • Eng.D - Engineering Doctorate (Hence Dr.)